NHR Atomistic Simulation Center Inauguration Symposium 2021

Dear Symposium participant,

with this short note we want to cordially thank you for your interest and participation in the Inauguration Symposium of the NHR Atomistic Simulation Center (ASC)!

We were excited to see so many people register for the meeting. Although in the era of Zoom hopping on and off a conference has become common, we are very happy to report that up to 130 participants attended the scientific sessions.

Thus many thanks to you for making our virtual symposium such a success!

A recording of the following presentations is freely accessible:

The following presentations will be available soon (password protected):

If you are interested in using the NHR resources for your scientific projects, see the following links for more information

NHR@PC2: https://pc2.uni-paderborn.de/go/hpc-proposal
NHR@FAU: https://hpc.fau.de/nhr-vormerkliste
NHR@ZIB: https://www.hlrn.de

Note: A central NHR portal to apply for computational resources is to be set up in the first quarter of 2022.

We are looking forward to seeing you again at NHR!
The NHR@FAU organization team




Here comes the original symposium announcement:

We cordially invite you to the NHR Atomistic Simulation Center (ASC) Inauguration Symposium 2021, taking place online 26-27 October 2021

Please use the following link to register for the meeting (there is no conference fee!). Last chance to register is Sunday October 24th, 11:59 pm.

The Atomistic Simulation Center (ASC) is a collaboration between the three National High Performance Computing (NHR) centers Paderborn (PC2), Erlangen (NHR@FAU), and Berlin (NHR@ZIB), providing their combined multifaceted expertise on atomistic simulations.

Die drei Zentren des ASC

The inauguration symposium celebrates the initiation of the ASC collaboration via a selected compilation of scientifically exciting
talks from all areae of ASC-expertise. An overview of the symposium (including a list of invited speakers and a session schedule) can be found on our announcement flyer, which is available for download as PDF file (A3 landscape).

Flyer Symposium ASC 1Flyer Symposium ASC 2


The detailed speaker schedule for the symposium is available here (and will be updated continuously):

Please use the following link to register for the meeting (until Sunday October 24th, 11:59 pm). There is no conference fee, we just need a list of participants to keep you informed about important updates and to provide the necessary ZOOM link. If you have any questions, contact us via nhr-simlab-contact@lists.fau.de!

We are looking forward to meeting you online!
The NHR@FAU organisation team